婚禮歌曲推薦:Love To Be Loved By You

作者: lfhkf  2011-02-12 14:28 [查查吧]:www.uabf.cn

       德國(guó)男歌手Marc Terenzi深情演繹,這首歌是他與Sarah Connor的婚禮上演唱的。  Terenzi送給他太太Sarah Connor的一首歌曲 
  Sarah Connor和Marc Terenzi的婚禮是在電視上舉行的 ,包括前期的婚禮準(zhǔn)備,可謂隱私盡曝,  甜蜜,浪漫,矛盾,爭(zhēng)吵  ,都展現(xiàn)在關(guān)心他們的觀眾面前.  在西班牙的海邊,浪漫的場(chǎng)景,  浪漫的婚禮,還有浪漫的新郎新娘.  Terenzi在海邊大石上彈著鋼琴,  深情的唱著,Love To Be Loved By You.  Sarah留下了幸福的淚水!  

I can’t believe I’m standing here 
  Been waiting for so many years and  
  Today I found the queen to reign my heart. 
  You changed my life so patiently  
  And turned it into something good and real 
  I feel just like I felt in all my dreams.  
  There are questions hard to answer, can’t you see... 
  Baby, tell me how can I tell you  
  That I love you more than life? 
  Show me how can I show you  
  That I’m blinded by your light. 
  When you touch me, I can touch you  
  To find out the dream is true. 
  I love to be loved by you.  
  You’re looking kinda scared right now, 
  You’re waiting for the wedding vows.  
  But I don’t know if my tongue’s able to talk  
  Your beauty is just blinding me, 
  Like sunbeams on a summer stream  
  And I gotta close my eyes to protect me. 
  Can you take my hand and lead me from here please?  
  Baby, tell me how can I tell you 
  That I love you more than life?  
  Show me how can I show you 
  That I’m blinded by your light.  
  When you touch me I can touch you 
  To find out the dream is true.  
  I love to be loved 
  I need to be loved  
  I love to be loved by you. 
  I know they’re gonna say 
  Our love’s not strong enough tO last forever.  
  And I know they’re gonna say that we’ll give up  
  Because of heavy weather. 
  But how can they understand 
  That our love is just heaven-sent,  
  We keep on going on and on 
  Cause this is where we both belong.  
  Baby, tell me how can I tell you 
  That I love you more than life?  
  Show me how can I show you 
  That I’m blinded by your light.  
  When you touch me I can touch you 
  To find out the dream is true  
  I love to be loved  
  I need, yes I need to be loved  
  I love to be loved by you. 
  Yes, I love to be loved by you.  



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  • 旅游


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