巨齒鯊主題曲是什么 愛(ài)拯救世界歌詞介紹

作者:  jipzs   2018-09-06 10:26 [ 查查吧 ]:www.uabf.cn

  動(dòng)作科幻冒險(xiǎn)大片《巨齒鯊》可謂是今年暑期最驚險(xiǎn)刺激的大片了?!毒摭X鯊》主題曲邀請(qǐng)來(lái)了頂級(jí)唱將Jessie J獻(xiàn)唱。接下來(lái)一起看“巨齒鯊主題曲是什么 愛(ài)拯救世界歌詞介紹”吧。

  巨齒鯊 主題曲


  Jessie J -Love Will Save The World

  [Verse 1]

  They say oil and water don’t go together

  You say can’t be flipping switches in stormy weather

巨齒鯊主題曲是什么 愛(ài)拯救世界歌詞介紹

巨齒鯊主題曲是什么 愛(ài)拯救世界歌詞介紹


  I’m living on the edge with the trivia, no

  Maybe this type of love is different

  Opposites attract, oposites attract

  Maybe I don’t care if I’m living up

  But there’s a dose of love I forgot

  Opposites attract, oposites attract


  When pain is the enemy

  So this won’t be the end of me, no

  So breaking is the remedy

  Love is the best of me, oh

  I’m in love with you, love with you

  Love will save the world

  Love will save the world

  I’m in love with you, love with you

  Love will save the world

  Love will save the world, yeah

  [Verse 2]

  We break all our rules

  We do what people always do

  But they but they think they clever (they think they clever, they think they clever, they think they clever)

  Discover, then destroy

  They say hearts speak a different language

  Won’t last forever (forever, ever, forever, ever, forever, ever)


  I’m living on the edge with the trivia, no

  Maybe this type of love is different

  Opposites attract, oposites attract

  Maybe I don’t care if I’m giving up

  But there’s a dose of love I forgot

  Opposites attract, oposites attract


  When pain is the enemy

  So this won’t be the end of me, no

  So breaking is the remedy

  Love is the best of me, oh

  I’m in love with you, love with you

  Love will save the world

  Love will save the world

  I’m in love with you, love with you

  Love will save the world

  Love will save the world, yeah


  Love with you, love with you

  Love with you, love with you

  Love with you, love with you

  (Take your life in your hands)

  Love with you, love with you, yeah

  Love with you, love with you

  Love with you, love with you

  Love with you, love with you

  Love with you, love with you

  It’s not just about the ones close

  Ooh, ooh

  Down on your luck for the one you love

  Ooh, yeah

  It’s also about the ones who safe

  Oh, no, no, no

  Here we go


  When pain is the enemy

  So this won’t be the end of me, no

  So breaking is the remedy

  Love is the best of me, oh

  I’m in love with you, love with you

  Love will save the world

  Love will save the world

  I’m in love with you, love with you

  Love will save the world

  Love will save the world, yeah

  以上就是關(guān)于“巨齒鯊主題曲是什么 愛(ài)拯救世界歌詞介紹”的全部?jī)?nèi)容,希望大家喜歡。





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