
作者:  iultzd   2012-09-11 10:00 [ 查查吧 ]:uabf.cn


  饑餓游戲主題曲:Safe and Sound

  I remember tears streaming down your face 我記得淚水順著你的臉頰流下

  when I said, I’ll never let you go 當我說我將永不放開你的手

  When all those shadows almost killed your light 當所有的陰影幾乎擋住了你的光亮

  I remember you said, don’t leave me here alone 我記得你說過:“別把我一個人扔下。”

  But all that’s dead and gone and past tonight 但這一切都在今晚化作塵埃

  Just close your eyes 只需閉上你的眼睛

  the sun is going down 太陽已西沉

  You’ll be alright 你會沒事的

  no one can hurt you now


  Come morning light 當明日晨光初現(xiàn)

  You and I’ll be safe and sound 我們都將安然無恙

  Don’t you dare look out your window darling 親愛的,你害怕看到窗外吧

  everything’s on fire 一切都在燃燒

  The war outside our door keeps raging on 門外的戰(zhàn)爭仍在激烈的進行

  hold onto this lullaby 牢牢記得我為你唱的這只搖籃曲

  even when the music’s gone 即使音樂已經(jīng)停止

  Just close your eyes 只需閉上你的眼睛

  the sun is going down 太陽已西沉

  You’ll be alright 你會沒事的

  no one can hurt you now 如今沒有人能傷害你了

  Come morning light 當明日晨光初現(xiàn)

  You and I’ll be safe and sound 我們都將安然無恙

  Just close your eyes 只需閉上你的眼睛

  You’ll be alright 你會沒事的

  Come morning light 當明日晨光初現(xiàn)

  You and I’ll be safe and sound 我們都將安然無恙



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