作者: 盧束 2012-03-28 13:50 [ 查查吧 ]:uabf.cn
瑞典后搖名團 Pg.lost 中國巡演 深圳站
時間: 3月31日 21:00 - 22:30
地點: 深圳 福田區(qū) 車公廟泰然九路皇冠園區(qū)2棟G9 紅糖罐
費用: 80元(門票)
類型: 音樂/演出
主辦方: 紅糖罐
演出時間:2012年3月31日 21:00
門 票:現場80元,預售60元
Pg.lost是一支來自瑞典Norrk?ping的4人后搖樂團,成立于2004年。樂隊之前曾使用 "Before You Give In" 這個名字,后來因為陣容變化而改用現在的名稱?,F在的樂隊成員包括Gustav Almberg (guitar/keys), Mattias Bhatt (guitar), Kristian Karlsson (bass/vocals), and Martin Hjertstedt (drums).
樂隊于05年發(fā)行首張同名EP。去年發(fā)行第二張EP《Yes I Am》,這張包含了5個作品的小專輯已為Pg Lost的音樂定下了基調~~~沒有人聲的橫加干涉(其實仔細聽還是有人聲的),沒有其他元素的喧賓奪主,只有后搖滾哀愁的描述與盎然的爆發(fā)。在后搖井噴的2007年,Pg.lost僅憑借這一張EP就成為了TSB年度50佳后搖唱片之一。
時隔一年之后,Pg.lost終于帶來了樂隊首張全長專輯《It’s Not Me It’s You》,與EP一樣,這張專輯最突出的音樂方向還是傳統的后搖滾美學,跌宕起伏,僅僅通過器樂的堆積而達到古典音樂式的宏大與壯闊。
"An orchestra of the heart, a playground for the long lost sporadic thoughts of giving in or getting back. Pg.Lost is a swedish band of many directions, but most of all a band throbbing with great melancholy grinding against the precious high hopes of not just individual human thinking and feeling, but also contrasts within pushing the sonic boundries of endless instrumental experiments of prolonging. Pg.Lost recently recieved a lot of press attention because of an American individual attracting a record deal by falsely using their music as his own. But then again Pg.Lost does have a way of sounding like a deep emotion or unresolved issues, so no wonder a fraction of us get confused, and start mistaking their music for something private."
Pg.Lost feature members from Eskju Divine and Last Days Of April and has supported bands like MONO, Khoma and Efterklang. 20th of June 2007 Pg.Lost released the "Yes I Am EP" on the Swedish label Black Star Foundation (www.blackstarfoundation.com). 29th of September Pg.Lost released their first full lenght album "It's Not Me, It's You!". 11th of December 2009 pg.lost released their second full lenght album "In Never Out" which consists of over 50 minutes of instrumental music and shows a darker and heavier side of pg.lost. The album was recorded by pg.lost and mixed by Magnus Lindberg at Tonteknik Ume?.
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