1.The secret impresses no one. The trick you use it for is everything.
2.Sacrifice is the price of a good trick.
3.You never understood why we did this.The audience knows the truth.The world is simple .It's miserable.Solid...Solid all the way through.But if you could fool them even for a second then you could make them wonder.And then you...Then you got to see something very special. You really don't know.It was it was the look on their faces.
4.If anybody really believed the things I did on stage, they wouldn't clap, they'd scream.
5.Every magic trick consists of three parts,or acts.The first part is called "the pledge."The magician shows you something ordinary.The second act is called "the turn."The magician takes the ordinary something and makes it do something extraordinary.Now you're looking for the secret,but you won't find it because,of course,you're not really looking.You don't really want to know.You want to be fooled.But you wouldn't clap yet because making something disappear isn't enough.You have to bring it back.That's why every magic trick has a third act.The hard estpart. The part we call "the prestige."
6.You're familiar with the phrase "Man's reach exceeds his grasp"? It's a lie. Man's grasp exceed this nerve. The only limits on scientific progress are those imposed by society. The first time I changed the world, I was hailed as a visionary. The second time I was asked politely to retire.The world only tolerates one change at a time. And so here I am. Enjoying my "retirement".Nothing is impossible, Mr. Angle, what you want is simply expensive.
你聽過這句俗話嗎? “心有余而力不足”。那不是真話。人類只是膽量不夠。社會一次只能接受一種改變。我第一次試著改變世界,被稱為先知;第二次他們卻請我退休。所以我在這里享受退休時光。沒有不可能的事,只是很貴不貴的問題。