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  International Labor Day is also called the" five one international labor day"," international demonstration day" ( International Workers Day or May Day ), is the world more than 80 countries National holiday. On May 1st every year. It is the whole world labor people have in common festival. In 1889July, led by Engels of the second International Congress in Paris. The meeting passed a resolution, set May 1, 1890international workers marched in, and decided on May 1st this day as the international labor day. The Central People's government hospital in 1949December to make a decision, will was certainly May 1st Labor day. After 1989, the State Council basically every 5 years a national labor models and advanced workers, each for3000people

  國際勞動節(jié)又稱“五一國際勞動節(jié)”、“國際示威游行日”(International Workers' Day或者M(jìn)ay Day),是世界上80多個國家的全國性節(jié)日。定在每年的五月一日。它是全世界勞動人民共同擁有的節(jié)日。1889年7月,由恩格斯領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的第二國際在巴黎舉行代表大會。會議通過決議,規(guī)定1890年5月1日國際勞動者舉行游行,并決定把5月1日這一天定為國際勞動節(jié)。中央人民政府政務(wù)院于1949年12月作出決定,將5月1日確定為勞動節(jié)。 1989年后,國務(wù)院基本上每5年表彰一次全國勞動模范和先進(jìn)工作者,每次表彰3000人左右。

  On May 1, 1886, more than 200,000 workers in Chicago, the United States, went on a general strike for the implementation of the eight-hour work system. After a hard and bloody struggle, they finally won. In commemoration of the great workers'movement, Second International declared May 1 as International Labor Day every year.


  The workers'struggle has yielded gratifying results and their working hours have generally been shortened. Under the pressure of workers, some governments promulgated laws in favor of workers'interests, which strengthened the working class's confidence in struggle and accumulated valuable experience for the international workers' movement.


  "May Day" is a festival of proletarian unity and fighting all over the world. On May 1, 1886, a large-scale strike by workers broke out in the United States, especially in Chicago, where the proletariat was not afraid of bloodshed and sacrifice. The bourgeoisie made significant concessions and was forced to recognize the eight-hour working system.


  This great struggle was supported by the international proletariat and great mentor Engels. At the Second International Founding Conference, it was officially decided that May 1 should be the International Labor Day every year.



  1、international labor day (may day);

  2、labour day;

  3、labor day;

  4、may day。

  勞動節(jié)例句:tomorrow is may day. we are goint to make a day of it. 明天是五一節(jié)。我們要好好干一天。



  五一勞動節(jié)的由來 勞動節(jié)的歷史




