主頁(yè) > 教育培訓(xùn) > 學(xué)歷教育 > 2014年考研英語模擬試題及答案(2)


  3) 這些是具體的知識(shí),但是青少年吸收理解許多關(guān)于政治系統(tǒng)的不言而喻的假定要更重要一些。這些假定,例如國(guó)家可以“適當(dāng)?shù)?rdquo;對(duì)民眾提出什么要求或民眾對(duì)國(guó)家提出什么要求,以及政府與學(xué)校、教會(huì)等社會(huì)輔助機(jī)構(gòu)之間“特定的”關(guān)系等,形成了理解政治系統(tǒng)的共同基礎(chǔ)。

  [要點(diǎn)] 比較結(jié)構(gòu)的翻譯;代詞they的翻譯

  [句法] 由but連接的并列復(fù)合句。than...schools and churches作比較狀語。其中包含that引導(dǎo)的定語從句修飾assumptions;for example后面的兩個(gè)例子是對(duì)assumptions的補(bǔ)充說明。翻譯注意:因?yàn)閎ut后面的分句主要講absorption,所以有必要在翻譯時(shí)將主語由they調(diào)整為absorption。因此less critical than的比較含義就應(yīng)該按照邏輯順序翻譯為“更重要一些”。

  [點(diǎn)撥] absorption of a feeling for意為“關(guān)于…的感受的吸收”,如果這樣翻譯將十分拗口,讓人看不明白,因此將absorption和feeling合在一起處理為“吸收理解”。

  4) 青少年對(duì)政治存有幼稚想法并非源于他們對(duì)“事實(shí)”的忽視,而是由于他們對(duì)政治系統(tǒng)的慣例不完全理解,對(duì)一些常規(guī)和非常規(guī)的做法以及事情該怎么做、為什么做或?yàn)槭裁床蛔龅热狈φJ(rèn)識(shí)。

  [要點(diǎn)] 定語從句的翻譯;介詞結(jié)構(gòu)的翻譯

  [句法] 復(fù)合句。句子主干由not from...but from...串聯(lián)而成。that引導(dǎo)的定語從句修飾naiveté;名詞結(jié)構(gòu)an incomplete comprehension后跟了三個(gè)of引導(dǎo)的介詞結(jié)構(gòu)。翻譯注意:定語從句可以逆向翻譯,省去這個(gè)從句,直接翻譯為“青少年對(duì)政治存有幼稚想法”。of引導(dǎo)的介詞結(jié)構(gòu)由于較長(zhǎng),翻譯時(shí)可重復(fù)其中心詞。

  5) 像兒童不用掌握排列原則就能學(xué)會(huì)數(shù)數(shù)一樣,青少年也可以在腦海中形成許多隨意而零碎的政治信息,而無需明確理解這些信息背后的概念。

  [要點(diǎn)] 方式狀語從句的翻譯;定語從句的翻譯

  [句法] 復(fù)合句。as引導(dǎo)方式狀語從句;that引導(dǎo)的定語從句修飾concepts,采用“前置法”翻譯成“的”字結(jié)構(gòu)。

  [詞法] secure的意思是“安全的;可靠的”,因其與understanding搭配,故引申為“明確理解”。


  Part A


  Dear Pain,

  I have learned with delight that you have been admitted by the famous Tsinghua University as a Master of Science student in Mathematics. I would like to extend to you my utmost congratulations.

  You must be very happy at the good news. I know this is surely owing to your talent and diligence. It is also a reward you richly deserve for your years of hard work. And as your good friend I feel very happy for you, too.

  Kindly let me know when you are free. I hope that we have time to get together. Wish you a more successful future.

  Sincerely yours,

  Li Ming


  On Policy Making

 ?、貴rom the picture, we know that a man is weaving a bamboo basket. ②On the one hand, he is going great guns to do his job. ③On the one hand, the baskets already made have formed a small mountain on which spiders are spinning webs. ④Symbolically, the bamboo baskets represent rules and regulations made by the authorities. ⑤Therefore, it can easily be seen that the picture is aiming at the phenomenon that nowadays rules and regulations are frequently made but rarely enforced.

 ?、轙here are many reasons accounting for the above phenomenon. ⑦The most contributing one is that some policy makers don't take the reality into consideration when they lay down rules and regulations. As a result, these rules are only found useless. ⑧In addition, official corruption is part of the cause. ⑨To improve performance and get promotion, many officials go astray and mistakenly think that policies they formulate are a direct reflection of their achievements.

  ⑩Considering the above analysis, I think immediate measures should be taken to prevent the problem from deteriorating. On the one hand, policy makers should never abandon their tradition of doing things in a practical and realistic way. On the other hand, it is necessary for authorities to pay close attention to the enforcement of rules. 



