主頁 > 教育培訓 > 外語培訓 > 高考英語詞匯分享 高考英語復習指南(7)

高考英語詞匯分享 高考英語復習指南(7)

  n.手臂,支架 武器(復)arm in arm手挽手 take up arms 拿起武器

  vt.以…裝備,武裝起來 arm…with…

  Armed with the new equipment, the explorers entered the cave. be armed to the teeth 全副武裝

  83.around 在周圍; 在附近; 大約

  around the corner 在拐角處,即將到來 around the clock晝夜不停地

  84.arrange vt.安排,布置

  arrange an appointment 安排預約 Have you arranged to meet Mark this weekend?

  We had arranged that I would go for the weekend.我們商量好了,這個周末我去。

  He arrived as arranged.他如約而至。

  The company will arrange for a taxi to meet you at the airport.

  Dave arranged for someone to drive him home.

  arrangement n.安排,布置 make arrangements for…

  85.arrest vt.逮捕,拘捕He got arrested for careless driving.

  n.put / place sb under arrest 逮捕某人

  86.arrive varrival n.到來;達到arrive atGuests receive dinner on/upon their arrival

  87.article n.文章;東西;物品;冠詞 an article of clothing 一件衣服

  88.ashamed adj 慚愧,害臊

  89.asleep adj 睡著的,熟睡 (表語形容詞) fall asleep 入睡He seems to be fast asleep.

  90.assist v.幫助,協助assist sb.in dong /with sth.

  we’ll assist you in finding a place to live.

  She employed a woman to assist her with the housework.

  assistancen.technical/ military assistance 技術/軍事援助

  91.assume v.假定,假設It is assumed that…普遍認為

  I had assumed him to be a teacher.我本以為他是老師。

  He assumed an air of concern.他裝出關心的樣子。 assuming (that)… 假設,假如

  92.assumption n.

  a) be ashamed of 以為是恥辱b) be ashamed of oneself for 為…而害羞

  c) feel ashamed for sb 替某人感到羞愧 ※ ashamed & shameful


  shameful指事物或本身可恥不道德。 He is ashamed of his shameful conduct.

  93.astonish v 使驚訝 astonished /astonishing

  be/look astonished at 對…感到大吃一驚an astonished look

  94.attachattach …to

  95.attempt v.試圖,嘗試

  attempt to do He was charged with attempting to kill his wife.

  attempt sth The plane crashed while attempting an emergency landing.

  n. make an attempt to do /at doing 試圖做某事

  96.attend v.看護,照料,服侍;出席,參加attend a meeting/ school/ church/ the concert

  attend to sth處理,注意 I have a few other things to attend to.

  attend to sb 看護 attend to a baby

  97.attention n.注意,關心

  pay ( much/no/little) attention todraw one’s attention to

  fix one’s attention/mind/eyes on; attract one’s attention

  98.attract v.吸引,引起Like attracts like 物以類聚


  100.average adj 平均的;普通的 n.平均數on (the)average 按平均

  I was just an average sort of student.我只是一個普通學生。

  101.avoid doing

  102.awake v. 喚醒;(awoke/ awoken) Is he awake or asleep?awake to sth 意識到 醒悟到

  It took her some time to awake to the dangers of her situation. adj 醒著的be wide awake

  103.award n. v.

  104.awarebe aware of

  105.away adv離開;遠離 keep away from 保持距離; far away 在遠處

  right away 立刻,馬上;give away 泄露,贈送




