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高考英語(yǔ)詞匯分享 高考英語(yǔ)復(fù)習(xí)指南(14)

  They agreed to lend us the car on condition that (only if) we returned it before the weekend.

  74.conduct vt.

  1) 引導(dǎo),帶領(lǐng) conduct sb around sp2) 實(shí)施,執(zhí)行 conduct an experiment

  3) 指揮conduct a concert 4) 傳導(dǎo)conduct electricity

  5) 舉止,表現(xiàn) conduct oneselfn.行為,舉止

  75.confident adj. be confident about/of sth

  confidence n. 1) gain/lose confidence 2) have confidence in sb/sth

  3) be in sb’s confidence 受某人信任,是某人的心腹

  4) take sb into your confidence 向某人吐露內(nèi)心秘密

  76.confirm vt. 證實(shí),批準(zhǔn),確認(rèn)confirm sth/ that/wh-

  Rumours of job losses were later confirmed.

  Has everyone confirmed (that) they are coming? Can you confirm what happened?

  77.conflict : in conflict with

  78.confuse vt 1)使糊涂,使迷惑

  They confused me with conflicting accounts of what happened.

  2) 混淆 confuse A with/and B Be careful not to confuse quality with quantity.

  confusionn. 1) confusion about/over sth 困惑

  There is a confusion about what the correct procedure should be.

  2) confusion between A and B 混淆 confusion between letters like “o” or “a”

  79.congratulation n祝賀名詞常用復(fù)數(shù) Congratulations to you !

  congratulate v congratulate sb.on sth. 祝賀某人在某方面……

  80.connect v. 1) connect A to/with/ and B 使連接,聯(lián)結(jié)

  The towns are connected by trains and bus services.

  2) connect sth (to sth) 接通,使…連接First connect the printer to the computer.

  3) connect sb / sth (with sb / sth) , be connected with 與…有聯(lián)系/關(guān)聯(lián)

  Theory is closely connected with practice.

  4)為某人接通電話 Hold on, please, I’m trying to connect you.

  81.connectionn. 連接物,接觸,聯(lián)系in connection with sb/ sth 與…有關(guān)

  A man has been arrested in connection with the murder of the manager.

  82.consequence n. 結(jié)果,后果;重要性,重大

  as a consequence /result in consequence結(jié)果

  as a consequence /result ofin consequence of 由于

  83.consider 1) 認(rèn)為;把……看做; 2) 考慮

  1) consider sth/doing sth/wh- 考慮We are considering buying a new car.

  He was considering what to do next.

  2) consider sb/sth (as /to be) sth 認(rèn)為 This award is considered (to be ) a great honor.

  3) sb be considered to have done sth 認(rèn)為某人已經(jīng)做了某事

  Bell is considered to have invented the telephone.

  4) all things considered 從各方面看來(lái),總而言之

  84.considerate : It is considerate of him to wait.consideringprep.

  85.consideration n.考慮take sth into consideration 考慮到

  Taking everything into consideration, the event was a great success.

  All things _______ into consideration, I think his plan is practical.

  86.consist vi 包含,組成,構(gòu)成1) consist of 由…組成 The committee consists of ten members.

  2) consist in 在于,存在于 The beauty of the city consists in its magnificent buildings.

  consistent adj 一致的 be consistent with 與…一致

  87.construction n.建造,建設(shè)be under construction 正在修建中

  construct vt1)建造,修建 construct a bridge 2) 創(chuàng)建 construct a theory

  86.consultvt1) 咨詢,請(qǐng)教 consult sb (about) sth

  2) 與某人商量 consult (with) sb about/on sth 3) 查閱,查詢 consult a dictionary

  88.contain v. container n.容器,集裝箱

  1) 包含/括 The book contains 12 units. 2)含有物質(zhì)/成分Sea water contains a lot of salt.

  3)容納、裝有 The envelope contained 500 dollars.

  89.content adj.甘愿的,滿意的;n.內(nèi)容

  be content with 滿足于; be content to do 甘愿做某事

  the content of the article 文章內(nèi)容; read the contents of the book 讀目錄

  90.continue v.繼續(xù) continue doing / to do / with

  91.contrary adj.相反的 Contrary to popular belief, many cats dislike milk.

  n. 相反,反而on the contrary 相反,反之

  92.contribute v. 1) contribute (sth) (to/ towards sth) 捐獻(xiàn),捐贈(zèng)

  We contributed 5000 yuan to the earthquake fund.

  2) contribute to 導(dǎo)致,有助于 Smoking contributes to lung cancer.

  3) contribute (sth) (to sth) 撰稿,在會(huì)議或會(huì)談期間講話,發(fā)表意見(jiàn)

  She contributed (a number of articles )to the magazine.

  We hope everyone will contribute to the discussion.

  93.contribution n. 貢獻(xiàn),奉獻(xiàn) make a contribution to sth 對(duì)…做貢獻(xiàn)

  94.convenience n.便利at one’s conveniencefor one’s convenience

  convenientadj It is convenient for sb to do sth

  It is convenient to sb If (it is ) convenient

  95.convey 傳送,傳達(dá),表達(dá)convey sth to sb convey sb/sth from …to…

  96.convince 使確信,使信服 convince sb/ yourself of sth

  convince sb to do I have been trying to convince him to see a doctor.

  convinced adj. be convinced of/ that: I am convinced that she is innocent.

  I am convinced of her innocence.

  97.corner n.街角; 困境; vt使…落入圈套There is a hotel on / at the corner of the street.

  drive / force sb into a corner 把某人逼入困境round / around the corner 很近,在附近

  98.correct adj正確的,恰當(dāng)?shù)? vt糾正,批改

  I think you’ve made the correct decision. I spent all evening correcting essays.

  correctly adv. Have you spelled it correctly?

  99.cost n花費(fèi);代價(jià),損失;vt需付費(fèi);使損失 the high / low cost of housing

  she saved him from the fire but at the cost of her own life.

  at all costs 不惜任何代價(jià) You must stop the press from finding out at all costs.

  The hospital will cost 2 million dollars to build.

  That one mistake almost cost him his life.

  100. count v數(shù)數(shù);重要Every point in this game counts.

  count down 倒計(jì)時(shí) count on sb/sth 依賴 I’m counting on you to help me.




