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酒店客房英語培訓(xùn) 酒店客房英語常用句型示例(2)

  19. I’m afraid your room will be ready in a few minutes .We are sorry for the inconvenience.您的房間還需要幾分鐘才能收拾好,給您帶來的不便我們表示歉意。

  20. Let me adjust the air conditioner for you .讓我為您調(diào)節(jié)空調(diào)。

  酒店客房常用英語 (六)

  21. If we have we send it to you right away .如果我們有,我會(huì)馬上送來。

  22. If there is anything I can do for you .Just let me know .如果有什么能夠幫上您的,盡管告訴我。

  23. Here is a telegram for you .這兒有一封您的電報(bào)。

  24. If you have anything else ,please dial the extension number “7700”.如果您還需要其它服務(wù),撥內(nèi)線“7700”。

  酒店客房常用英語 (七)

  25. We are very glad to service for you .我們非常樂意為您服務(wù)。

  26. Sir ,your room is at the end of the corridor.先生,您的房間在走廊的那一邊。

  27. I can contact the reception desk to arrange it for you .我分聯(lián)系前臺來為您安排。

  28. There is some repair work on the uper floor .But it will stop during the rest time ,I hope you can understand.上面樓層在維修,但在休息時(shí)會(huì)停止,我希望您能理解。

  酒店客房常用英語 (八)

  29. Is there anything else I can do for you ?您還需要我再做些什么嗎?

  30. I’m afraid we don’t have this kind of sevice .我恐怕不能提供這種服務(wù)。

  31. If you need to chean your room .Put the clean card on door .如果你需要清理房間,把“清潔牌”掛門外。

  32. Our guests are always pleased by our Houskeeping .我們的客人對我們的服務(wù)感到滿意。

  酒店客房常用英語 (九)

  33. I’re hotel has very good Housekeeping service.我們酒店有很好的客房服務(wù)。

  34. I’ll report it to my supervisor immediatly ,we’ll let you know as soon as possible.我會(huì)馬上報(bào)告我們主任,找到就通知您。

  35. I’m sorry we have to charge you for the day wage according to the hotel’s regulation.根據(jù)酒店規(guī)定,我們必須收一定的錢。

  36. Please wait a minute I’ll let you know as soon as possible.請稍等,我會(huì)馬上讓您知道。

  酒店客房常用英語 (十)

  37. I’m sorry for security reasons we can’t open the door.很抱歉,為了安全理由,我們不能開門。

  38. I’d like to have my clothes here .I’ll pick them up later.我想把衣服留在這里,我以后再來取。

  39. It’s probably the satellite signal .It’s cloudy today.Something when the weather’s bad the signal’s not clear.可能是衛(wèi)星信號的關(guān)系,今天有云,有時(shí)當(dāng)天氣不好的時(shí)候,信號就不好。

  40. May I come in and check the housekeeper’s work?我能進(jìn)您房間檢查一下服務(wù)員清理房間的情況?



