KADYKCHAN (Russia): memories of the Soviet Union
Kadykchan was one of many small Russian cities that fell into ruin when the Soviet Union collapsed. Residents were forced to move to gain access to services like running water, schools and medical care. The state moved them out over a period of two weeks, and they were taken to other towns and provided with new housing. Once a tin mining town of 12,000 people, the city is now desolate. In their hurry to leave, residents left their belongings behind in their homes, so you can now find aging toys, books, clothing and other objects throughout the empty city. 8:九龍寨城(香港)——沒有法律保護的城市
KOWLOON WALLED CITY (China): A lawless city
九龍寨城(Kowloon Walled City)只有6英畝大,約2.7公頃,曾是一塊被英國割占而仍是中國行使領土主權的地方,身份非常特別。原來在《中英展拓香港界址專條》中議定,中國官員仍可駐扎九龍城內,并保留附近碼頭以便往來。城寨因此成了'界中之界’。但實際上,清朝、國民黨時期和解放后,中國都未在此治理;英國雖不斷覬覦,都無法得逞。結果城寨成了'三不管’地方,寨內藏污納垢,環(huán)境惡劣。
The Kowloon Walled City was located just outside Hong Kong, China during British rule. A former watchpost to protect the area against pirates, it was occupied by Japan during World War II and subsequently taken over by squatters after Japan’s surrender. Neither Britain nor China wanted responsibility for it, so it became its own lawless city.
Its population flourished for decades, with residents building labyrinthine corridors above the street level, which was clogged with trash. The buildings grew so tall that sunlight couldn’t reach the bottom levels and the entire city had to be illuminated with fluorescent lights. It was a place where brothels, casinos, opium dens, cocaine parlors, food courts serving dog meat and secret factories ran unmolested by authorities. It was finally torn down in 1993 after a mutual decision was made by British and Chinese authorities, who had finally grown wary of the unsanitary, anarchic city and its out-of-control population.
KADYKCHAN (Russia): memories of the Soviet Union
Kadykchan was one of many small Russian cities that fell into ruin when the Soviet Union collapsed. Residents were forced to move to gain access to services like running water, schools and medical care. The state moved them out over a period of two weeks, and they were taken to other towns and provided with new housing. Once a tin mining town of 12,000 people, the city is now desolate. In their hurry to leave, residents left their belongings behind in their homes, so you can now find aging toys, books, clothing and other objects throughout the empty city.
KOWLOON WALLED CITY (China): A lawless city
九龍寨城(Kowloon Walled City)只有6英畝大,約2.7公頃,曾是一塊被英國割占而仍是中國行使領土主權的地方,身份非常特別。原來在《中英展拓香港界址專條》中議定,中國官員仍可駐扎九龍城內,并保留附近碼頭以便往來。城寨因此成了'界中之界’。但實際上,清朝、國民黨時期和解放后,中國都未在此治理;英國雖不斷覬覦,都無法得逞。結果城寨成了'三不管’地方,寨內藏污納垢,環(huán)境惡劣。
The Kowloon Walled City was located just outside Hong Kong, China during British rule. A former watchpost to protect the area against pirates, it was occupied by Japan during World War II and subsequently taken over by squatters after Japan’s surrender. Neither Britain nor China wanted responsibility for it, so it became its own lawless city.
Its population flourished for decades, with residents building labyrinthine corridors above the street level, which was clogged with trash. The buildings grew so tall that sunlight couldn’t reach the bottom levels and the entire city had to be illuminated with fluorescent lights. It was a place where brothels, casinos, opium dens, cocaine parlors, food courts serving dog meat and secret factories ran unmolested by authorities. It was finally torn down in 1993 after a mutual decision was made by British and Chinese authorities, who had finally grown wary of the unsanitary, anarchic city and its out-of-control population.