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2011-10-21 17:46  [查查吧]  來源:uabf.cn  

The boys were all thinking the same thing, but no one said it, 'who was going to walk up there and get it'?

Finally, Skyler spoke up, "Conner you better go get your mask".

"I don't really need it", Conner replied in his most grown up voice.

Kyle whispered, "Why don't we all go get it together"?

The boys looked at the mask, then at each other. "Let's do it", they all said, in unison, and began to slowly move toward the porch.

The boys could see a dim light, from a distant room, within the house. They were at ease with the thought Mr. Johnson was probably in bed for the night. Upon approaching the window frame, Conner plucked the mask from off the nail. All five boys let out a sigh of relief at having accomplished their task.

Suddenly, the light inside the house flickered and went out. A long, whiny, squeaking sound, to their right, drew their attention to the front door, blown open and now flapping in the wind. Their hearts were racing and their feet felt heavy, as if they were stuck in cement. From inside the house they could here someone moaning, almost as if they were in pain.

"Do you think it's Mr. Johnson", said Skyler.

"What should we do"?, croaked Conner. "Mean as they say he is, we can't just let him suffer."

"We'll just all stick together and we'll be okay, after all there's five of us", said Logan.

Quietly the boys slipped in though the door.

Colby called out, "Mr. Johnson, can we help you"?

Kyle tried the light switch but it didn't work. He stepped in something mushy, that let off a horrible stench.

"Smells like someone died".

The boys felt their way around, grabbing on to furniture and walls as they groped about and called out to Mr. Johnson. SPLAT!


"What is it"?

"I don't know feels like worms"

"Hey, you think the thing about the worm sandwiches is true"? asked Conner.

"Let's just find Mr. Johnson and get out of here, everybody stay focused", said Skyler.

Just then Skyler stepped on something. He leaned over and picked it up. It was cold as ice, upon feeling around, it seemed to have a thumb and four fingers, but no arm...

"YIKES" choked out Skyler, "I think I'm holding onto someone's hand but there's no arm... this is getting freaky!"

A second later, Colby blurted out, "It feels like I picked up someone's eyeballs but I dropped them and they're rolling around on the floor. Let's get out of here"!

As he turned a tray clattered to the floor and the sounds of plink, plink, plink echoed through the house. Scrambling to pick up what was beneath him, he was just sure they were bones, probably belonged to some poor, helpful, unsuspecting soul. 'Would they be next'?

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