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萬圣節(jié)歌謠:Halloween is coming

2010-10-28 16:26  [查查吧]  來源:uabf.cn  

  Hello there!   

  Don't be scared! Con't you see?   

  We want candy!Give us some!   

  We'll have some fun.   

  And we'll come back for another one!   

  Trick or treat Trick or treat   

  Give me something good to eat.   

  If you don't, that's okay.   

  We'll come back another day.   

  Trick or treat Trick or treat   

  Give me something good to eat.  

  not too big,not too small.   

  Just the size of a bowling ball.   

  Trick or treat Trick or treat   

  Give me something good to eat.   

  Give me candy Give me cookies.   

  Halloween is coming.

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