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關(guān)于工作的英語名人名言 只專注把工作做好

作者: jiangqian  2018-01-30 17:56  [查查吧] 來源:uabf.cn

  大學(xué)畢業(yè)后大家都要去工作,對(duì)于工作,每個(gè)人都有不同的感受和想法。下面要給大家分享的內(nèi)容是:“關(guān)于工作的英語名人名言 只專注把工作做好”,一起來看下吧!

  “My success just evolved from working hard at the business at hand each day.”

  – Johnny Carson, Television Host

  「我的成功來自每天努力把手邊的工作做好?!?ndash; 強(qiáng)尼·卡森 (節(jié)目主持人)

  “Get into a line that you will find to be a deep personal interest, something you really enjoy spending twelve to fifteen hours a day working at, and the rest of the time thinking about.”

關(guān)于工作的英語名人名言 只專注把工作做好

  — Earl Nightingale, Motivational Speaker


  “I believe in work, hard work, and long hours of work. Men do not breakdown from overwork, but from worry and dissipation.”

  — Charles Evans Hughes, Chief Justice of the U.S.

  「我相信工作、努力工作及長(zhǎng)時(shí)間的工作;過度工作不會(huì)讓人崩潰,但憂慮及放縱自己卻會(huì)讓人崩潰?!?ndash; 查爾斯·埃文斯·休斯 (美國首席大法官)

  “Desire! That’s the one secret of every man’s career. Not education. Not being born with hidden talents. Desire.”

  — Bobby Unser, Automobile Racer

  「渴望!那是每個(gè)人在職場(chǎng)成功的祕(mì)密,不是教育程度,不是與生俱來的潛在才華,是渴望?!?ndash; 包比?安瑟爾 (賽車手)

  “It’s not the hours you put in your work that counts, it’s the work you put in the hours.”

  — Sam Ewing, Writer

  「工作效益不在于時(shí)間長(zhǎng)短,而在于真正做了什么?!?ndash; 山姆.尤恩 (作家)

  “I’d rather be a failure at something I love than a success at something I hate.”

  — George Burns, Comedian

  「我寧可做我愛做的事而失敗,也不要做我討厭的事而成功?!?ndash; 喬治.伯恩斯 (喜劇演員)

  “The pro is the person who has all the hassles, obstacles, and disappointing frustrations that everyone else has, yet continues to persist, does the job, and makes it look easy.”

  — David Cooper, Sales Trainer

  「專業(yè)的人與其他人有一樣的煩擾、困難及讓人失望的挫折,但他們繼續(xù)堅(jiān)持、做好份內(nèi)的事,并讓他們的工作看來輕松。」– 大衛(wèi)?庫柏 (行銷教練)

  “It’s not enough to be the best at what you do; you must be perceived as the only one who does what you do.”

  — Jerry Garcia, Musician

  「在你那一行成為最強(qiáng)的還不夠,你必須被視為你那行的唯一?!?ndash; 杰瑞?賈西亞 (音樂家)

  “Work for the right person. Work for a company that wants you to succeed. Don’t play politics and just focus on the job at hand.”

  — Indra Nooyi, CEO of PepsiCo

  「為對(duì)的人工作,在一家希望你成功的公司工作。別著重在權(quán)術(shù)上,只專注在把手上的工作做好?!?ndash; 盧英德 (百事公司執(zhí)行長(zhǎng))

  以上就是關(guān)于:“關(guān)于工作的英語名人名言 只專注把工作做好”的分享,希望對(duì)你有幫助。
